The High Lord of Gratitude and Service

Uitleg over orakelkaart `The High Lord of Gratitude and Service`

The High Lord of Gratitude and Service has arrived to help you find your purpose today. Feeling gratitude for each moment you experience, and loving what is and what has been, will remind you that every breath you take holds a deep and profound awareness. Through small actions and selfless service to another, you are automatically upon your highest path, whether you are immediately aware of it or not. The presence of this Ally lets you know that you are on the correct path to fulfilling your desires. You are also notified that your actions of service and attitude of gratitude will yield riches beyond your wildest dreams, as long as those riches aren’t the goal you have in mind. Giving service with no thought of return is what’s required of you today. This would also be a good time to write a list reminding yourself of all the things in your life and the world around you that you have to be grateful for. If your question for this situation refers to a relationship, let gratitude be your guide. Be thankful for all you learn from this person. Truly, there are no friends and no enemies, just teachers along life’s journey. Be grateful for the laughter and even for the tears. The attitude of gratitude is a magnet for true love in all forms.

De betekenis van deze `Wisdom of the hidden realms` dagkaart bespreken?

Soms is het fijn om jouw kaartlegging of dagkaart te bespreken met een van onze consulenten. Hier onder vind de een aantal van onze consulenten die gespecialiseerd zijn in Orakelkaarten.

Dagkaart van woensdag: Negativiteit

Als je 'Negativiteit' trekt worstel je misschien met je lagere zelf. Met dat wat je weg wenst en toch op onbewuste wijze zo'n invloed op je leven heeft. Of ken je delen van je negativiteit reeds en is het tijd voor verdieping van je inzicht. Negativiteit dient ontspannen en met mededogen tegemoet getreden te worden. Door het innerlijke oordeel worden haar gangen verborgen.

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